Download the entire tutorial in one .zip file, and learn off-line.

The .zip version of JavaScript for the Total Non-Programmer includes all of the pages, graphics, and sample scripts used in the on-line tutorial, plus these additional pages.

The cost of this zip file is Seven Dollars and Seventy Five Cents ($7.75 US). Honestly, I couldn't make it any cheaper without giving my work away. I know you're used to seeing everything for free on the web, but I think you'll agree that this tu torial is worth it. I have received over 1,000 e-mails from happy users who found this tutorial a clear and well written explanation. The on-line tutorial is still free, of course, and it will remain so. This is just an option for readers who would lik e to have a permanent copy. You can register 2 ways.
  1. Secure credit card ($1 surcharge)
  2. Post Office mail

Nervous about sending your credit card over the web? It's safer than using the phone. Always be sure the key (or padlock) symbol in the lower left corner of Netscape is solid (locked). On MS Internet Explorer the padlock appears in the bo ttom-center of your screen. Watch it change when you click on the 'Click Here for Secure Payment Form' button. Click here for an explanation of Secure Socket Layers.
or you can mail a check or money order to:

Webteacher Software
5405 Alton Parkway, #5A-370
Irvine, CA 92604-3717

Be sure to include your e-mail address. I will send you downloading instructions upon receipt.